Final Announcement!!
Hey guys, thanks for being amazing students during our stay here.
But on the note of saying goodbye, here is an IMPORTANT schedule for next monday (7/31)
*In western time*
Certificate ceremony 10:30 - 12:00
Culture festival 2:00 - 4:00

***Just letting you know, not all of you will receive the certificate. You must have had less than three absences AND reach a certain score to do so. However, you will be given three retake opportunities with the same test, so continue studying hard and I know that all of you guys can make it. Thanks again :)
Presentation Criteria
This is the criteria that will be used when grading your presentation. Check the criteria to see which part you should focus on.
Criteria PDF download
New Feature: Hall of Fame & Shame
On this page, you can check both good and bad examples of usability. Two examples will be updated everyday. Hope this page help your understainding and evaluation skill on usability issues.
Update: Help Desk
New helpful materials are uploaded on the help desk tab. Check the examples (think how those features help usability of a website) and think about what kinds of usable features you could add on your website.
Group Arrangement
Please check the list to confirm who you will work with next week. For those who did not give an email to instructors, please give one. For those who are randomly grouped, please give an email and a team name to instructors.
Excel file
Solution for JavaScript Lab
Please check the solution for the JavaScript lab, and understand how each line of codes works.
ZIP file
Using jQuery
To use jQuery you need to import the library through linking. Here (.zip) you can download the jQuery library, and include this to your website folder. Include following code to your HTML file.
Update: Playground
This will be the final update for the "Playground". Instead of button clicking, you can now write your code manually. This will allow you test a wide range of code. You can stil access to the old version of playground where you can move hubo with buttons. Old Version
New Feature: Help Desk
"Examples" tab is a page where you can see useful examples of what we have teached. For now, the examples of JavaScript and JQuery are uploaded to help your understanding on using JQuery. Jquery is a library that allows you to write JavaScript code in an easier manner. Check the examples, and try to use Jqeury instead of JavaScript to write code easily.
Update: Playground
You can now test different worlds(empty.wld, stairs.wld, and hurdles.wld) on the hubo simulator. New worlds will be kept uploaded. For the HTML tester, there is "Auto pairing" setting which automatically writes the closing pair of a tag to your html code. Hope these changes help.
Python Additional Reading Materials

These are additional python books for beginners for anyone who wants to learn more about python than what we did in class.

Link - A Byte of Python
PDF - A Byte of Python
Link - Think Python
PDF - Think Python
Update: Playground
Hubo simulator is improved; hubo can now perform beeper methods. You can also control two settings - whether to see hubo's trace & whether to include your button clicks to "Your Code" section. "Run Code" will execute the sequence of the codes in the "Your Code", animating hubo's move from the initial state. HTML tester is also built. This tester is for you to test out HTML codes that you will learn on the second week.
New Feature: Playground
We have created "Playground" page. You can access to the page through the navigation bar at the top. You can play with hubo, and you can test simple simulations.
Hubo Labs
Lab Solutions

Hubo Methods
PDF download

Extra Challenge - Maze Problem
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3
New Feature: Gallery
We have created "Gallery" page. You can access to the page through the navigation bar at the top.