Hyoungwook Jin
I am an MS candidate in the School of Computing at KAIST. I am working with Juho Kim and researchers at KIXLAB.
I envision End-learner Programming in which learners and instructors can customize existing or even create new learning content, paths, and tools beyond given resources and classes for their personal needs. I research human-AI interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, and learning at scale to realize my vision.
Jun, 2024
πΊπΈ I will visit Atlanta to present a WIP paper at L@S.
May, 2024πΊ I will attend CHI in person to give a presentation.
May, 2024π Got an acceptance for a C&C paper!
Apr, 2024π TeachYou received an honorable mention award at CHI2024!
Jan, 2024π TeachYou is accepted to CHI2024!
TeachTune: Reviewing Pedagogical Agents Against Diverse Student Profiles with Simulated Students
Large language models (LLMs) can empower teachers to build pedagogical conversational agents (PCAs) customized for their students. As students have different prior knowledge and motivation levels, teachers must evaluate the adaptivity of their PCAs to diverse students. Existing chatbot evaluation methods (e.g., direct chat and benchmarks) are either manually intensive for multiple iterations or limited to testing only single-turn interactions. We present TeachTune, where teachers can create simulated students and review PCAs by observing automated chats between PCAs and simulated students.
PaperHelping Students Abstract Subgoals from Code Examples
This project builds a system that supports programming novices to abstract generalizable subgoals from code examples. We elicit abstract thinking by asking learners to write down subgoals common to interrelated code examples. We use code-generation AI models to create feedback on the generalizability and abstraction level of learners' subgoals by testing if the models can generate code examples from learners' descriptions.
Using Large Language Models to Diagnose Math Problem-Solving Skills at Scale
Hyoungwook JinYoonsu KimYeonsu ParkBekzat TilekbayJinho SonJuho Kim
L@S'24 Work-in-Progress
PaperModerating Customer Inquiries and Responses to Alleviate Stress and Reduce Emotional Dissonance of Customer Service Representatives
Hyungkwon KoKihoon SonHyoungwook JinYoonseo ChoiXiang Anthony Chen
CHI'23 Generative AI and HCI Workshop
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
MSc in Computer Science (Specialization: Human-Computer Interaction)
Advisor: Juho Kim
Mar 2023 - Present
π°π· Daejeon, South Korea
π°π· Daejeon, South Korea
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
BS in Computer Science
GPA: 4.0/4.3 (Summa Cum Laude)
Sep 2015 - Feb 2023
π°π· Daejeon, South Korea
π°π· Daejeon, South Korea